The fitnesspal food and exercise tracker will cease to exist as of today on the blog. I will be creating an exercise journal in the very near future, but I will be on a very strict meal plan, and food tracker does not track the type of foods I am planning on taking. Regardless of whether or not we work out a deal on the fitness boot camp meals, I am going to do his supplements going forward.
I have an appointment with Cornelius tomorrow to iron out the rest of the details on the sponsorship, at which time, BIG FAT LOSER will undergo some slight changes in appearance, frequency of posts, and types of posts. I will also be attending "Legs" day tomorrow. I had arms day today and had a very good workout. Cornelius has been very busy lately, so the meet and greet, and setting up the details of the sponsorship has taken a little longer than either of us expected.
My immediate goal is to attend 3-4 days a week. I don't think I will be doing ab classes just yet, unless of course Corn thinks its necessary. I was very happy to see that I was back down to my starting weight of 360 the other day at the Dr. I think the Paxil was really making me out on the lbs!
As far as the Paxil goes, the withdrawals have pretty much ended. I still have some mood swings here and there, but for the most part, the brain zaps are gone, as well as the feeling of impending doom. I feel like I have a clean slate, and I have been doing very well with the boot camp. I will admit, sometimes its hard to go to boot camp. I don't always look forward to it. I can definitely say that the more I am going, the more I enjoy going. People keep telling me that I will get addicted, and I look forward to that. It will also help once I get some weight off and I am able to stay motivated.
I am putting a lot of faith in the crew at FBC unlimited. So far the team seems great. I am just enjoying my back spot! I gotta make sure I get there early enough to get a spot in the back of the class, because sometimes I feel really awkward out there dancing around. Sometimes its hard to get the rest of my body to stop when I do!!!!
I will update my readers tomorrow after the meeting with Cornelius.
Thanks alot Fitness Boot Camp!
Heres a linky loo for those who would like it. FBC Unlimited
Also please check out FBC's Facebook Fan Page and Twitter
The twitter page hasn't been updated in a while, but all that is about to change. Stay tuned, and please follow them on twitter, and like them on Facebook.
Also don't forget to find my Facebook Fan Page and click the "Like" button!
We are in for a fun ride!

**This blog is Deprecated and is no longer updated** Not just a weight loss blog!! The Times and Trials (and ramblings) of a fat, divorced Daddy of two, trying to keep it together, lose weight and make a living. P.S. This is an outpouring of my thoughts, so grammar and punctuation take a back seat to that. You have been warned!!!
So how is Cornelius at FBC changing your eating habits? what process of understanding of "what you put into yourself" is he instilling or promoting?
ReplyDeleteHow are you viewing food stuffs yourself?
Good Job RJ! Do it!
ReplyDeleteGus, give the brotha a break...he'll get there.
Hey Anonymous, I'm not busting his balls, I'm merely, "hopefully", keeping Rj on his toes, having been there myself the first steps are the worst, with body conciousness, tiredness, ..the point before you are actually seeing it as anymore than slogging, basically before it becomes addictive to exercise based on what you can see, how you feel (about yourself) & before you notice the extra energy kicking in..
ReplyDeleteThese are the worst times as your body isn't yet toned ..(but getting there)
The food awareness is so damn vital, & i'm interested & hopeful that RJ will be able to tell us how his food diet is changing him, & what's working in terms of favourites that he has found & can stick to in order to lose more, whilst enjoying what he's eating, rather than finding that stuff is cardboard tasting crap, I have high hopes with Cornelius there.
Myself, I went the drastic way, & gave up booze, only drank water, exercised up to 5 hrs per night including learning to run (in boots)7 days per week, It was all just off the top of my head with no guidance, ..which i'd have loved, ultimately it was ill informed, but hey no internet, no training buddies.
Rj's changes are as much to do with what he learns to eat as his exercise, in fact once he's got his weight down even more so!
So yes I do want to hear more then i've got an idea of what he's going through, as his recent entries have obviously been more to do with the hiatus.
& it aint called a boot camp for nothing, i'm looking for a few tips myself, (as you get older, & i'm now 40) your diet changes based purely on age, for instance my 5 steaks a week friend can only eat an "occasional" one now, I eat maybe 2 days or more of just rice, my old boss & his wife eat frugally so they can let off some steam at the week-end...
Technique, conditioning, resolve, whatever, you've got to find whats right for you & what you can hack for the long term, so I am interested to see whats what.
I think as per RJ's "pukin" night out his body is already giving signals as to change, so if we explore all this stuff we might learn & be able to approach different problems from better angles.
Analysis I guess!
Rj whilst i'm thinking, if you are boot camping it, does that mean your Gym membership is going out the window? ..usually they are keen to put you on a temporary "hold" rather than lose you & a direct debit monthly! ..just thinking that if the Boot camp work outs & general regime are too tough, drop the gym till you feel ready to tackle the gym, at least in a group @boot camp (even at the back) you are not on your own & you can gauge others progress in comparison to your own, as well as socialize, which is less likely in a gym only environment!
Anyhow, when you get your chart up & running I WILL be keen to see it, obviously we eat less take-away crap here in the uk, but technically in terms of obesity / health issues we are only 10 yrs behind U.S. figures , something I am reminded everyday (i'm not small) but folk are making me look small..ER
This is why I want't my kid to love her food but understand it from all angles.
I think that episode of Jamie olivers food revolution (ice cream with all sorts of "crap" in it) speaks mounds, we've got to know what we are putting in our mouths in order to maintain balance & understand treats are just that occasional items.
This was brought home to me many years ago when i'd finally got my running to a point of actually running, not slogging, not jogging, but actually running & enjoying it, breath control, proper movement etc, I looked at how many miles I'd have to run JUST TO CANCEL out a candy bar, literally understanding the meaning "running to stand still"
ReplyDeleteNothing more depressing than losing 9lbs through sheer effort & resolve only to not know how bad a burger or similar from a night out is in relation to all your hard work, thats where we have to understand our foods, getting the best from them & being able to mentally slide the food blocks +'s /-'s in place to have something when we need a treat, or be able to turn it down (even temporarily) as you know what it really consists of.
The last word is this though, true friends (not that I really know RJ) do & should be able to tell you off without fear of rebuke, they care enough to tell you off & risk losing friendship, Rj dosn't need smoke blowing up his ass in his quest to get fit.
in blog terms i'd hazard a guess that silence is more damaging than most forms of reply, as you don't know what/ how your readership is interpreting your efforts.
Rj I think would also know something was up if I weren't honest with him as we're both on a carving forum , so he's read a few of my views & has I hope got an idea of my character.
Anyhow RJ, just like the exercise, food & blog, keep plugging away, change won't happen miraculously overnight, but by changing yourself you are likely changing others habits also, likely those immediately around you.