I seem to be a bit (read major) of a Scrooge when it comes to the holidays. I really dislike the Christmas season. I enjoy the atmosphere, and the lights and music, but that's honestly it. My wife and I have never really had a lot of money, so Christmas shopping always seemed more of a chore or a bill than anything. Last year we decided to tell the family not to get us anything, and we wouldn't get them anything (except for the kids). So now we just buy for the children of the family. The problem is that we both have separated families, and we were having to buy for like 30 people!
With that being said, I do enjoy winter, and the spirit of the holidays, just not the commercialization of Christmas. The one where if you dont spend $1,000 on gifts, then you aren't in the spirit of giving. However, if you go to a black friday sale and pepper spray the 90 yr old lady over the last xbox, you are a saint. I also dislike the commercials! Thank goodness we dropped cable for Hulu and Netflix on the Xbox. The Target commercials make me want to claw my eyes and ears out! You know the one, with the blonde chick with ADHD. Yea, she annoys me.
Moving on.....I have my bariatric surgery seminar this week. Dec 1 to be exact. I have all my paperwork together, and I'm ready to get the ball rolling. The hospitals require you to do this seminar before getting surgery, but at this point, I don't care if they tell me I'll be throwing up blood for 3 months, I'm still getting the surgery.
As always, Ill keep you guys updated.

**This blog is Deprecated and is no longer updated** Not just a weight loss blog!! The Times and Trials (and ramblings) of a fat, divorced Daddy of two, trying to keep it together, lose weight and make a living. P.S. This is an outpouring of my thoughts, so grammar and punctuation take a back seat to that. You have been warned!!!
You should watch a couple of the videos at least. Your relationship with food will definitely not be the same.