Every now and then you have to step back and realize that you can't always please everyone. There is always going to be a time in your life when you hurt someone you love. One thing you can insure is that you are happy with yourself. I know this sounds greedy, but just think about it for a moment. If you are not happy with your life, yourself, or the people around you; are you in any position to make others happy? The answer, of course, is no.
One thing that is important to remember when you are going through tough times is that the decisions you make not only affect you, but those that love you. I have found this to be most true with the recent divorce. Even though I feel I have moved on from the separation, there are those in my family that have not, and sometimes I forget about their feelings.
The important thing is for me to move on and put aside all of my past (with the exception of my children). That is exactly what I am doing. I have learned very recently that there are people out there that can make me feel like my old self again. For the sake of their privacy, I won't mention any names just yet. Let me just say that 4 years ago, I was different person. I was happy, flirty, and confident. All that changed during the problem with my marriage. I lost faith in myself, I lost confidence, and at one dark point I lost the will to live. Things were very dark in my life for about 6 months. I have found someone that makes me forget all that. Someone who takes me back the days when I was happy. I know a lot of people think that I am crazy. You may say, I'm on the rebound. So be it....Im telling you that I have never been one to rebound and cling to someone. My version of rebounding is dating as many women as humanly possible to keep me company. I don't typically latch to one person. Now, this may come across as I am head over heels for this woman, but I just want to express that regardless what happens with this developing situation, she has shown me that I CAN be happy again. I CAN be my old self again. It just takes someone to listen, and to be honest, and to not judge me. I have found myself talking to her about things I would never tell anyone else, just because when she listens, I can tell she is interested.
Regardless of where it goes, the short amount of time I have spent with her has renewed my faith that there are good people still out there. They are just sitting around waiting for someone to come along and show them the same kind of faith. I am thankful for my friend.
In fact, talking to her has made me decide to speak about another very dark time in my past. So, stick around, because things are going to get deep. I'm going to get some stuff off my chest.
To my friend....Thanks for just being there and being yourself. You have done more for me than you know! I'm looking forward to more time with you.

**This blog is Deprecated and is no longer updated** Not just a weight loss blog!! The Times and Trials (and ramblings) of a fat, divorced Daddy of two, trying to keep it together, lose weight and make a living. P.S. This is an outpouring of my thoughts, so grammar and punctuation take a back seat to that. You have been warned!!!
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