As my readers know, I have struggled with my weight for a very long time. I have wanted to have surgery for about 2 years now. It is very expensive, and I am unable to pay for it, so I have tried a couple of different avenues where a "Charitable Surgery" might be possible, but these problems rarely include bariatric surgery as a necessity. They are afraid to open the box and start doing these surgeries for free due to the financial impact it could have on their bottom line. After all, there are A LOT of obese people out there that legitimately need the surgery.
Some readers right now, and scoffing at me. "Why don't you just diet and exercise. You don't need surgery."
These are the people that don't know my medical history. They don't see what I have tried in the past, and how many times I have failed. Not because I haven't been committed to it, but because every time I do, it causes issues. Either back, knee, ankle, or hip issues immediately follow.
I have tried fitness boot camp, swimming, dieting, and diet pills (Against my doctors recommendation). Despite all these, I have NEVER lost more than 10-15lbs, and immediately regain the lost weight and then some. My doctor printed my vitals history from 2000-present. It looks like a mountain. Every single weigh in since 2000 I have put on at least 2 lbs. I went from 215 lbs in 2000, to 400 lbs in 2013. The sheet they gave me marked where I went on diets according to my interviews with the doctor. It made no difference.
So, that led me to where I am today. Last year, A great lady at a local hospital (name omitted for privacy) told me about a state program that will, in some cases, pay for bariatric surgery if you are at risk of serious health problem, disability, etc. The idea is that the State would rather pay for your surgery now, than to foot the bill for disability, unemployment, etc later.
She took me under her wing and has taken a personal interest in helping me get the surgery I need. It took me a full year to get together everything I needed. Diagnoses, letters of medical necessity, psych eval, seminars, and a whole host of other things. I finally managed to get everything together, and had an appointment with the organization that does these surgeries.
He was very nonchalant about the whole meeting today. I'm not sure he realized that I have spent an entire year gathering this information. He explained that any "grants" over $5,000 had to be reviewed by a doctor and approved by a district manager.
The doctor doesn't bother me. I have been told by 4 different Dr.s and a surgeon that I have a medical necessity at this point for the surgery.
I wonder, however, if the district manager knows what kind of impact his decision could make on my life. To him, its just 15k. They will have some formula to look at most likely, to decide if its cost effective for them to pay for my surgery. I wonder if he actually realizes that his decision could effectively add years to my life. Do you think he realizes this? Or is this just another stack of papers on his desk. Is it just a check he has to approve?
I wish I knew who it was that made this decision, and I wish I could explain to him what this surgery could do for my kids and I. For the 1st time in my adult life, I could be given a chance to live a healthy lifestyle, because I can tell you for a fact that I will happily lead a more active lifestyle once I am able to. I will never let myself get to this point again. I'm perfectly willing to exercise now, I'm just not physically able.
I feel like if I don't get this surgery now, I will just continue to gain weight, and die young of some co-morbidity thing.
I just wish I could express this to the guy that just has to sign a piece of paper to change my life. I mean, don't get me wrong. There are others out there that are worse than me. I also realize that it is my fault that I let myself get this far along. I would just like the second chance that this will give me.
I guess for now, all there is to do is pray, if that's your thing. I have done everything I can at this point.
I'll keep you updated, and if I get the surgery, maybe i'll have something good to blog about instead of just rambling all the time.

**This blog is Deprecated and is no longer updated** Not just a weight loss blog!! The Times and Trials (and ramblings) of a fat, divorced Daddy of two, trying to keep it together, lose weight and make a living. P.S. This is an outpouring of my thoughts, so grammar and punctuation take a back seat to that. You have been warned!!!
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