Well, I mentioned earlier this week that I had a lot of job prospects out there. I'm still really hoping for the position at a place called Container Components. They make lids, hinges, and casters for dumpsters. The job pays well, and I'll be doing basically the same thing that I did at Smurfit Stone. I have also been offered a job as a wireless phone salesman that will pay commission. I need to negotiate salary though before I can make a final decision on which job I want.
My therapist tells me that finding a job is going to be a huge step in overcoming my anxiety and depression. I think he is really on to something, because even on the days that I'm running around for interviews and such, I can tell a difference in my attitude. I think its possible to spend too much time at home. If you would have asked me 6 months ago, I would have sworn that I would never get tired of staying home with my family. Don't get me wrong. I love my family and I feel blessed to have them, but sometimes you need to get away from the house.
I have found myself losing interest in the simple things that use to bring me joy when I was staying at home. I think it has more to do with boredom than depression. I'm ready to get back out into the work field and do something with myself. I really hope I get the call next week.
On another note, Amanda has decided to go back to school. She is starting mortuary school of all things. Its apparently something she has wanted to do for a while. I don't understand it fully, but if it is something that she will enjoy, I support it. One thing I have learned from depression is that if it makes you happy, do it. It's such a simple idea, but I think that a lot of people forego what makes them happy because they are afraid of what others will think. This is something I am determined to teach my kids early on. There is a point when you are a kid where the idea of doing what makes you happy leaves....and for a lot of people it doesn't come back. I think it has a lot to do with pressures in high school to fit in.
My foot is feeling better. I have been able to get around fairly easy on it. I'm still not exactly sure how I broke my foot. I almost laughed when I read that stress fractures are common among athletes. I guess that's one thing that athletes and fat people have in common...
We have a little over a month before our big trip to Birmingham. I'm really starting to stress over how we are going to finance the trip. I really hope that I have a job by then. That will help the financing of the trip tremendously. The only thing left to pay for is the hotel, and gas. Then of course we have food and fun, but luckily our idea of fun is a quiet night at the hotel room with a good movie and some beer.
I finally got my video editing software up and running, but I lost all my old footage. Its on youtube, so I'm hoping I can lift the intro video off of one of my old videos, because that thing was a pain in the ass to make. I have a camcorder full of videos that I haven't been able to touch because of the software situation. Im sure the youtube viewers have about given up on me.
Gracie is crawling around like you wouldn't believe. She is so close to walking. Sometimes when she stands up, I halfway expect to take off running, but she usually just falls on her butt.
As always, I will update you guys when I hear back on the job situation and make a decision on it.
Here is a patriotic picture of Gracie. These are her 4th of July pics.

**This blog is Deprecated and is no longer updated** Not just a weight loss blog!! The Times and Trials (and ramblings) of a fat, divorced Daddy of two, trying to keep it together, lose weight and make a living. P.S. This is an outpouring of my thoughts, so grammar and punctuation take a back seat to that. You have been warned!!!
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