Well, I would be lying if I said the past 5 months haven't been difficult for everyone. Between my attitude and incessant whining, I'm surprised Amanda has let me live to talk about it. We are both enrolled in school now. Amanda is seeking her degree in Funeral Sciences, and I am seeking mine in Music Education (Choir/Vocal).
Amanda is attending ASU, and I am attending Black River Technical College. School starts next week.
I have also finally managed to nab a job at Radio Shack. I will be working as an MIT for an undisclosed amount of time, and hopefully, eventually get my own store. Then the decision will need to made whether or not to continue my Education into Music. For now, I will work on my Associate of Arts degree, which basically means I have 2 years to decide on my major before transferring to a 4 year school. Radio Shack is a very ambitious company, and I like that. The Management so far has been fantastic. The District Manager is a no nonsense type, and very friendly, and easy to talk to. The store manager is also a great guy, and very approachable. He is the type isn't afraid to get his hands dirty and help his associates. He is constantly on the sales floor helping customers. That's more than you can say about most managers.
To Celebrate, I even had a fellow dev make me a custom Lock Ring for my Evo.
On top of all that, Gracie decided she wanted to start walking. She went from crawling to walking in about 1 month! That's pretty damn quick. I would love to post a video, but Cyberlink Power director is being a nuisance right now. I'm just going to have to post it sideways unfortunately.
You get the idea....
I get to go on a trip Wednesday to Memphis with a fellow MIT from Radio that is a recent graduate and is getting her own store. I'm looking forward to getting to know one of my coworkers. That's always one of the most difficult tasks in starting a new job.
Jonathan, one of his friends Damien, and myself have decided to start going to the gym together, we are all roughly in the same shape. I could just never connect with the people over at Fitness Boot Camp, so we are going to try a different approach. We will be doing video blogs with weekly weigh ins and myfitnesspal food diaries. I'm thinking with me being on my feet again in a retail environment it should be good for me. At least much better than sitting on my fat ass playing Halo.
I will start uploading videos again when I get my new PC in a couple of weeks. So stay Tuned. I will also be making Jonathan and possibly Damien Admins on blog so they can help out on the weight loss blogging.
We still have to work out the details.
Thanks to all my faithful readers, and sorry for the MIA's here lately on the blog. Things will get back into rhythm soon.

**This blog is Deprecated and is no longer updated** Not just a weight loss blog!! The Times and Trials (and ramblings) of a fat, divorced Daddy of two, trying to keep it together, lose weight and make a living. P.S. This is an outpouring of my thoughts, so grammar and punctuation take a back seat to that. You have been warned!!!
Yeah, we were suppose to start this past friday, but a sinus infection broke me down. I think we're shooting for this Friday as a start date. I think getting back into the workforce and in a lively place like the mall will help you perk up. I'm also hoping it will fix your shadyness....lol