Let's talk about computers. The world is run by technology. The technology is run by blathering idiots. Well, to be fair, not all people are idiots when it comes to new technology. Some just want to attempt to keep up, but only got their first computers a year ago. These people are expected to need some guidance. These people include the elderly, children, and cavemen.
The problem is that technology has made people so lazy about using their brains, they just don't anymore. That's ok though, because there is always someone around that these people can turn to. I am one of these people. I do it for a living, and most of the time I love it. The look of realization on someones face when they just realized they could make a shortcut on their desktop is priceless. Who wouldn't enjoy doing that. These are the type of people I enjoy helping. They want to know how you just did that, they want to try other things and ask questions, and learn.
Now, let's move on to the 2nd type of people. These are possibly the most annoying group of technology users in my field of work. These are the people who just bought their first Iphone, and now, 2 months later, think they can build an IT infrastructure because they figured out how to sync iTunes to their phones. These are the people that SCREW UP EVERYTHING IN THEIR PATH and think they are smart while doing it. Unfortunately these are the first people that the people that need legitimate help find. However, that's only because these people walk around bragging about how much they know. Then they SCREW UP the other person's computer and make it more difficult to fix later on. Lord forbid you try to tell these people they are wrong because THEY JUST FIGURED OUT HOW TO JAILBREAK THEIR iPHONE! They KNOW what they are doing, and I should just go back to playing WoW and playing with Legos. Eventually they call you and ask whats wrong with their computer because it's beyond their "Broad scope of knowledge". When you look at it, they brag about the new dog cursor that wags its tail while something is loading. They tell you they got it from a "really neat cursor pack they found because a friend shared a link on Facebook." They only downloaded it for a good cause, because it said for everyone who downloaded it Facebook would donate $100000 to some kid in Polynesia with a brain tumor", but I digress....
Let's get on with the rest of the blog entry, shall we? The next group are the ones that have college educations and think that they shouldn't have to deal with PC's. These types are most likely executives. They call when their emails won't sync, or when they need Adobe flash player installed, or a new toner installed in their printer. You attempt to explain how to fix the problem, and they have one of two possible reactions.
Reaction one is simple. "I don't have time to mess with it, come do it for me." This is acceptable with executives and bosses because some aren't happy unless your head is shoved up their ass, so it's in your best interest to do it for them.
The second reaction is the one that pisses me off. They pretend to allow you to explain how to fix it, and suddenly FORGET THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE. It's like a monkey doing a math problem. You have to say, "OK, put your finger on the "CTRL key and hold it.....are you holding it? OK, now put your finger on the Alt key" This is where they interrupt and either say "Do I let go of the control key?" or "a HUGE LONG SIIIIIIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHHH followed by "its not working" Their goal is quite simple. Annoy the piss out of you until you do it yourself. These are the ones that leave you wondering how they set their alarm at night, or how they graduated college.
There are just as many different types of people as there are technologies. So the question is; Which are you? If you take the time to watch someone fix your computer, or follow their instructions, you may be surprised at how easily most of your problems could be fixed. Then again, it could mean less job security for me.

**This blog is Deprecated and is no longer updated** Not just a weight loss blog!! The Times and Trials (and ramblings) of a fat, divorced Daddy of two, trying to keep it together, lose weight and make a living. P.S. This is an outpouring of my thoughts, so grammar and punctuation take a back seat to that. You have been warned!!!
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