Clean as a whistle.....eventually

 So, everyone has their vices. I think we can all agree to that. As some of you know, and some may not, one of my vices is putting bad things into my body. Now, Im not talking about hard drugs....Im talking about, first and foremost, liquor. To add to that, Energy Drinks, fast foods, candy, refined foods...etc.
  Starting here and now, I am making a promise to myself, my family, and my readers, that none of these things will enter my body again. I know you are wondering how do you know I will be honest about it....well, I have turned over administrative rights to the blog, to my wife. Meaning, that she can post, and edit posts. If she catches me cheating, she will post it on my blog for the whole world to see, in a most embarrassing way.
   I cannot even begin to hope to get healthy without first detoxing my body. This means there will be alot of green tea, and water in my future over the next week. Lots of fiber as well. I will be posting a link to a personal food diary that all my readers will have access to. I will include in this diary EVERYTHING that I consume, down to the last ounce of water.
   The first step is, of course, liquor, and foods. Then eventually, I will wean off of Klonopin. Klonopin is a benzodiazapine and cannot be stopped cold turkey as it can lead to seizures. The only chemical that I will put into my body will be Paxil, which is my anti-depressant. Klonopin will be taken on an AS NEEDED basis only. Meaning times of extreme anxiety.
Here are the items that I will immediately eliminate from my diet.

  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Chocolate
  • Juices (unless they are fresh)
  • Soft Drinks
  • Processed Meats
  • Excess Salt
  • Shellfish
  • Beef
  • Fast Foods
   I cannot hope to get healthier unless I first detox. Since I am still not in the position to exercise due to my back (although i should be back in the gym within a couple of days), this is something I can do to get the ball rolling until I can hit the gym again. 
   Now, as Amanda will likely be happy to tell you, this isnt the first time I have said no more energy drinks and alcohol, and I have eaten those words numerous times. However, this blog gives me a kind of exposure. Its not just me saying I'm going to quit, its putting it into action and getting the readers behind me. Also, the fear of embarrassment if I get caught with my hand in the cookie jar. Amanda has promised to keep a hawk's eye on me to make sure I don't cheat. 
  This will also take a bit of a commitment from my friends and family with whom I regularly drink, or go out to eat with. No more invitations to eat out, or to have a few beers. Ill come back in a little while and post a link to my food and exercise diary. 

****UPDATE**** I have added a linky to my Food Diary in the top right corner under the BFL Banner. I will start updating it immediately