Hey BFL Fans,
Before I get into today's post, I just want to take a moment again to say thanks! This blog has really turned into to something that I had only hoped for. I am getting great feedback from my readers! Don't forget to follow the blog to get notified by email when I make new posts!
Moving on.... I decided last night to just not take my klonopin. I have been taking 1mg per day, and I thought it would be safe to go ahead drop it cold turkey. At about 11PM last night, my neck started itching, and it continually got worse. I woke up this morning with hives! I googled it, and of course, hives is a side effect of klonopin withdrawal. Turns out, I need to step down .25 mg at a time over the next couple weeks. I should of read up before I quit all willy nilly.
I finally heard back from the unemployment office today and my very VERY meager unemployment benefits have finally been approved. I was happy to hear that considering I couldn't even get even so much as a return call from the Jonesboro Workforce. I should have a direct deposit by tomorrow!
I went to Lowes today, and I picked up a new mailbox. I got one of the cool plastic ones with a front and back door. So, now I wont have to risk my life to check the mail. I really lucked out on the installation, because it turns out, it only needed about 2 feet of post. So, I got to saw off most of the broken post. It was a hassle to install, and started raining on me. While I was at Lowes I decided to pick up a new palm tree since a dog chewed up our last one. It is just a stump is a nice planter inside our house, and it was very ugly. So Ill try to plant our new palm tomorrow. Here is the final product of my work today.
I have decided to go ahead and move forward with doing youtube "Vlogging" or video blogging. I will still do these traditional posts, but I think that youtube videos will personalize this thing a little more. The only issue right now is that my EVO does not sync the audio right when recording videos. I would really love to get my hands on a Flip HD. It may be something that will have to wait until next month (my birthday). At any rate, I sure hope you guys will follow me over to youtube. I think it will be a lot of fun!
Thats all I got for today.

**This blog is Deprecated and is no longer updated** Not just a weight loss blog!! The Times and Trials (and ramblings) of a fat, divorced Daddy of two, trying to keep it together, lose weight and make a living. P.S. This is an outpouring of my thoughts, so grammar and punctuation take a back seat to that. You have been warned!!!
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