In the spirit of April Fool's day, we decided to convince my mother that we were pregnant. It was pretty Epic! I initially just called Mom and of course, there was no convincing her. I told mom we would go get a pregnancy test and take a pic of it with something in the house. So Amanda had a old pregnancy test that was pretty close to expiring, so she peed on it, and of was negative. It is a digital test. So it said "Not Pregnant". We snapped a photo, and Amanda photo shopped the "not" out of it. This was the ending result.
Of course at this point Mom believed me and was so exited, that I immediately felt terrible. I let it go for about an hour and I called her, and she was like "I knew you were kidding" blah blah blah....I HAD HER GOOD!
So, on another note, I managed to fall flat on my ass today while brushing my teeth. I bet you are wondering how I managed to do that. Well, I was brushing my teeth, and walked into the bedroom to grab a pair of socks when I started feeling ornery. Amanda was getting ready to put on her shirt, and I shoved her down on the bed and took off like a scalded dog for fear of retaliation...when I hit the hardwood, it was slicker than snot. I ended up on my ass brushing my teeth. I was playing it cool though, I just kept brushing pretending like everything was cool. I often brush my teeth while laying down...
What I thought was hives yesterday has begun to spread. Its now all the way around my neck and down my chest. Its red, and has little white pimples on it. Its pretty disgusting. I'm wondering if its maybe a heat rash from the recent exercise. Since my body isn't use to the excess sweating. Im not sure....but Golden is on sick call tomorrow from 1-4, so I guess I'll go throw some more money at him assuming the rash isnt better tomorrow. Well, as I was typing this, Jonathan came online so I chatted with him. Normally I would have called dad, but I'm sure if I called him at 1AM about a rash it would bring back memories of one of his old jobs. Ill tell you about that in a minute. Anyhow, Jonathan said just use cortisone cream, because it didnt sound like anything contagious or dangerous. So I went to Walgreens at 1AM and the cortisone was INSTANT itching relief. If its not better by Monday, I will go into the doctor.
OK, now back to the story of Dad. He use to be a caseworker for a home with people with mental disorders. I remember one morning at about 3AM, his phone rings....It wakes me up and I go in his room to see who was calling at that time of day, fearing something bad had happened. I hear Dad say, "Why are you calling me at 3AM to tell me your toilet paper is chafing your ass! I LAUGHED SO HARD! He then proceeded to tell the guy he would not look at his ass, but he would get him new toilet paper. I'm sure Dad didn't think it was funny, but I did, and still laugh when I think about it. It also brings back other fond memories. I miss the days with me and Dad. Before I had the worries of bills, work, and children. The only worry I had was whether or not we were going to toss the baseball around that day or not. I'm sure Dad had plenty of worries, but he never let it show. I'll save all the details of that for another day. Maybe Ill do a write up for Father's day.
So anyhow, thats all I have for today. Oh yea, one more thing. I borrowed a camcorder until I can afford my own, so I plan to upload my first video blog tomorrow!

**This blog is Deprecated and is no longer updated** Not just a weight loss blog!! The Times and Trials (and ramblings) of a fat, divorced Daddy of two, trying to keep it together, lose weight and make a living. P.S. This is an outpouring of my thoughts, so grammar and punctuation take a back seat to that. You have been warned!!!
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