I know it may seem to some people like I have forgotten about the blog, and the food and fitness diary. I promise, this is not the case. Unless you have personally experienced the problems that come along with quitting Paxil, this will be hard for you to understand.
It takes every ounce of energy that I have just to get out of bed in the mornings. The anxiety and depression that comes along with Paxil withdrawal is truly debilitating. When someone tells me that its all in my head, it pisses me off so bad. While some symptoms are possibly in my head, the physical symptoms are NOT. Things are getting a little better each day, and typically withdrawals last about 2 weeks. I simply have not had the emotional will to a lot of the things that come along with the blog. The nurse also told me that dieting would NOT be a good idea during the Paxil taper schedule, so I havent been logging my foods. Thats not to say that I have gone nuts and I'm eating horrible foods. I just have been eating normally.
Once things get back to a sense of normalcy, I will continue the weight loss journey, and I will NOT miss any days in my diary. In order to show my commitment to logging food and exercise on a daily basis, going forward, for every day that is not update properly, I will do 25 push ups and 25 jumping jacks. In order for my followers to know that I did them, we will document them with the camcorder and post them on here. I hope to get things back to normal within the next week.
In the meantime, don't dismiss the withdrawal I am experiencing. There is plenty of documented stories of the withdrawals. They are very real, I assure you. In the meantime, enjoy the video blogs. At the request of a reader I will start posting them on this site AS WELL as my youtube channel.

**This blog is Deprecated and is no longer updated** Not just a weight loss blog!! The Times and Trials (and ramblings) of a fat, divorced Daddy of two, trying to keep it together, lose weight and make a living. P.S. This is an outpouring of my thoughts, so grammar and punctuation take a back seat to that. You have been warned!!!
In which case you ought to utilize the notes box so looking back further down the road you can tie in reasons for gaps etc leaving them blank is obviously open to question.
ReplyDeleteI have been through withdrawal myself for both alcohol & prescription drugs & alot of it does depend on your own attitude to see you through, in my case I was part paralyzed at the time having suffered another head injury, over the years I have had to keep in check many medicines as realize they are too damn addictive, i'm very wary of taking much these days, & can still handle a drink rather than lock it out of mine & everybody I am involved with day to days lives.
That said If I hadn't got angry with myself & taken hold of the reins then I would be one of a few with head injuries I know who never made it back & got stuck in a self pitying, self destructive rut.
The whole process of quitting prescription drugs is the same as losing weight & exercising, sheer bloody minded guts & "one more" attitude towards drag your arse out of bed / into the gym / off for a walk & clear your head attitude.
Exercise is actually addictive when you get into the groove of it all.
Get out, get about, & stick it out!
Look at foods that increase brain activity, slow energy release & pep up, cleanse & detox.
Not suggesting you eat grass & attempt tantric yoga, but part of the way back up is finding new foods you enjoy & can turn to without it being a chore.
Another thing to remember now you've got the spanking new grill is that too much meat slows us down, & as we get older it's harder to process, so better quality & less of it, cook for others & have a little bit yourself.
this is easier I imagine than contending with a gastric band for the rest of your life.
Looking forward to seeing the grille do a few slow bakes & smokes, perhaps a side of salmon? ( & especially a cheese).
Good food is a pleasure to share, it has got a whole deal more important to me since (originally) losing my bulk at it's worst & wholly responsible for keeping me in line whilst in a sedentary lifestyle.