Well, the day is about half over, and I'm still alive. I had an early morning appt today, and it was so tempting to stop by Hardees and get a monster biscuit and hash browns which would have accounted for 1380 calories and 94 grams of fat. Instead, I went to Subway and got the Western Flatbread (egg white). And saved myself 1000 calories, and 85 grams of fat! That doesn't even include the large Mellow Yellow I would have bought at Hardees. Which reminds me....The caffeine withdrawals have begun. My head is killing me, and I feel sluggish. Hopefully that will pass in the next day or so.
We desperately need groceries, but I don't get paid until Thursday so I'll have to get creative to eat healthy at home. Its hard when there are still frozen burritos, and pizzas in the freezer. Its so tempting! I think there are still some chicken breasts and tilapia buried under the junk food somewhere. I'll have a look in a little while. So far today, I'm up to 7 cups of water, but I plan to double that before bedtime. I'm working on 24 oz of Green tea right now. I'm in major flush mode for the next couple of days.
I slept well last night, and I did it without the use of medicines. I did take an anti histamine and decongestant last night, but they were supposedly non-drowsy. I don't want to get to the point that I have to depend on drugs to sleep well. I have had no Klonopins so far today, but Ill need to take at least 1mg at some point to avoid withdrawals. This is down from 2 mg. My back is feeling somewhat better, so I have managed to deal with the pain without use of pain relievers or muscle relaxers. However, if this headache continues to worsen, ill be taking some migraine medicine that has just a pinch of caffeine in it.
You really don't realize the amount of crap you put into your body until you start thinking about it every time before you consume something. If I would have been keeping a food diary before this whole blog deal, my dad probably would have literally kicked my ass if he saw it. Its embarrassing.
I got to admit, it felt kind of nice getting up early this morning, I think I feel better having gotten up than I would have if I had slept in until 11 as usual. I need to try to make it a point to be out of bed by 9 or 10 at the latest. This is considering that I keep my late hours as I have been doing since the lay off. I have always been somewhat of a night owl, and I prefer the sleeping hours of 2AM-11AM. I'm not exactly sure if thats unhealthy or not. I guess as long as its a regular sleeping pattern and I am getting my 8 hours, it should suffice, right?
I've rambled on enough for now. I have been doing school work all day and I'm thinking I may have some leisure time now. Don't forget to check out my food diary! I have an app for my android, so I am putting EVERYTHING in my diary that I consume. Hopefully by tomorrow I will be able to log in some exercises with my food diary. I just don't want to re-injure myself.

**This blog is Deprecated and is no longer updated** Not just a weight loss blog!! The Times and Trials (and ramblings) of a fat, divorced Daddy of two, trying to keep it together, lose weight and make a living. P.S. This is an outpouring of my thoughts, so grammar and punctuation take a back seat to that. You have been warned!!!
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