Ok....not really, but I halfway expected it. I must have missed the scale last time I went. It was probably because I was distracted by the garmentless geezer. However, I decided to go ahead and weigh in since I really just started the diet thing. This is what I saw.
Its about as I figured. This is the part where Im not suppose to tell you that I just ate, or hadn't had a BM, or some other excuse. I'm just going to take it as it is. Its a horrible truth, but hey....this is why I started this blog in the first place, right?
I guess it was the lack of junk food or the increase in fluids that gave me the second wind that made me decide (mid-halo, mind you) to make a 10:00PM trip to the gym. Whatever the reason, I took the motivation and ran with it. I put The Kooks on and pumped myself up on the way to the gym.
I decided to do the recumbent bike again thinking it would be the easiest on the knees and hips. This time I had the know how to actually start the machine and set a customized workout. It asked me my weight....I pressed the up button and held it.....after about 10 seconds I glanced over my shoulder to make sure no one was staring at it with this OH MY GOD look on their face. I turn back, and its at 300....I was thinking this would be so much better if it actually let me use the number pad instead of holding the "Up" button for 10 minutes. Then it asks my age, and then starts me off on like a level one resistance, which felt like I pedaling air. I hate that feeling. Its like being in first gear on a 10-speed bike. I set a base level of 6 resistance, and started feeling the burn almost immediately. The timer was set at 25:00 workout with 5:00 cool down. I had literally just had a huge glass of water before leaving the house so it felt like a wave pool in my stomach.
The first 15 minutes went relatively quickly, then the bike beeped and said "Now increasing resistance to 8".
Thats when time really started to creep. Thank God Conan was on, because he helped me push through it.
When it was all said and done.....I had gone over 7 miles! I was very proud. The workout summary said I had an average heart rate of 146 with a high of 160. I still haven't checked to see whats good. So hopefully I wasn't borderline heart attack.
This time, I tried to play it cool as I got off the bike, because last time I almost face planted. I pretended to be looking at my phone as if to read an email or text while I waited for the "Jello Legs" to calm down a bit. That, and my ass was numb. I slowly jive walked to the locker room, making sure to do the obligatory James Bond peek around the corner.
I came home, and I feel pretty good right now. It was almost like taking an upper. It gave me a little burst of happy. I can see why people who make a habit of exercising really enjoy it. I'm sure I'm going to be sore tomorrow, but I feel like this was a leap in the right direction.
I just need to keep it going, keep it going, keep it going full steam...to sweet to be sour, to nice to be mean! (Sorry, I couldn't resist....its the Beastie Boys)

**This blog is Deprecated and is no longer updated** Not just a weight loss blog!! The Times and Trials (and ramblings) of a fat, divorced Daddy of two, trying to keep it together, lose weight and make a living. P.S. This is an outpouring of my thoughts, so grammar and punctuation take a back seat to that. You have been warned!!!
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