Happy Easter from the BFL Gang!!!

I just hate my little man couldn't be here for the Easter Pics. We will get another with him next time he's over. Love you Xander!!! <3


  1. your food & fitness diary looks like total crap.
    Fair comment?

  2. I thought this blog was the main area of publishing & vlogging?
    You've got 2 more v/logs elsewhere meaning you trail off from this site, spreading the net far & wide but also very thinly.

    So is it a stats chase? ..do overall stats make good for copping out on the weight loss goal?

    You've neglected to upload them here,but posted elsewhere, why?
    Your twitter feed is just looking like traffic directions, go here (Youtube) go there (Facebook) spending more time on self promotion than actual content & very little substance as a result.
    I'm not following via twitter now as it's all marketing links driven, you have 2 accounts one personal (dormant) & one for BFL, but that's annoying as hell if it's just marketing balls!

    Get your eye on the prize! stats aint going to improve your health, waistline & feeling better about yourself, stats are possibly akin to fast food.
    remember the business mantra.
    "What go's up slowly, comes down slowly".
