Paxil Withdrawal

Im on day 2 of my Paxil tapering schedule, and I'm feeling it today. I've had hot flashes/chills, profuse sweating, trembling, the feeling of weakness in my legs and arms, shortness of breath, hear palps. Not to mention the horrible anxiety I have had today.
I looked up some other withdrawals symptoms as well. There is a literal laundry list.

Frequently Reported Symptoms:

  • intense insomnia
  • extraordinarily vivid dreams
  • extreme confusion during waking hours
  • intense fear of losing your sanity
  • steady feeling of existing outside of reality as you know it (referred to as depersonalization at times)
  • memory and concentration  problems
  • Panic Attacks (even if you never had one before)
  • severe mood swings, esp. heightened irritability / anger
  • suicidal thoughts (in extreme cases)
  • an unconventional dizziness/   vertigo
  • the feeling of shocks, similar to mild electric one, running the length of your body
  • an unsteady gait
  • slurred speech
  • headaches
  • profuse sweating, esp. at night
  • muscle cramps
  • blurred vision
  • breaking out in tears.
  • hypersensitivity to motion, sounds, smells.
  • decreased appetite
  • nausea
  • abdominal cramping, diarrhea
  • loss of appetite
  • chills/ hot flashes

Less Frequently Reported Symptoms

  • fainting
  • "scratching sound" inside one's head
  • constant white noise in the ears
  • tingling sensation in cheeks, lips, tongue and surrounding areas.
  • heart palpitations/ chest pain
  • swollen and sore eyes
  • fatigue
  • extremely localized, bursting headaches
  • lump in throat
  • rash / dry, flaky and irritated skin
  • grinding of teeth
  • difficulty swallowing
  • itchiness

I just hope that my symptoms stop where they are. Thankfully, I still have a few Klonopins left to deal with the anxiety levels. I knew when I decided to quit, it would not be an easy task, but I hoping that with my taper schedule, It wouldn't hit me so hard. typically the symptoms last for about 2 weeks, so we'll just see.


  1. reading up on the side effects, stupid really!
    you will be adding anything to the list just because you've seen them on there.
    Rationalise & don't be such a dumbass as to have a mental tickbox as to every little symptom till you become overwhelmed with anxiety, exassipating things further.

    I feel the need to post all the symptoms somewhat disconcerting!
    Fill your time so you dont dwell upon it.
    & fill in that almost 1 week of missing food / exercise sheet, that'll take an hour or two.

    How about getting some detox veg or popping down to the mall & grabbing a great big detox veg juice (freshly made)? ...first thing I do off a plain (carrots for sweetness)
    May help fllush your system whilst pepping it up!
    NB don't go for wheat grass first time round!

    Some of it is in your head, some of it may be real, some of it may actually be junk food withdrawal!

  2. What is your detox regime for coping with this beyond the ordinary?
    If you haven't got one I'd recommend trying to sort one as you are on a strong combination of prescriptive meds!

    I was saying to my wife this morning "why doesn't a doctor look at what's in season for things like constipation & suggest enjoying a punnet or 2 of in season strawberries & cream (or similar) rather than handing out a chemical prescription"?

    ..too much like common sense she replied (she's a nurse)
    By way of explanation, daughter 7yrs is massively constipated too muvch hanging around, & last night the strawberries came out, she was able to eat her fill of seasonal food, this morning for breakfast same again...

    Seems infinitely more sensible to incorporate good food we all enjoy that'll do the job into her diet than pop another pill

    Smokers, drinkers, o-holics of anything will all be going through this sort of thing, it's common to body craving, but by no means the lot.

    & at least sweating is purging nasties, getting them out of your body so keep drinking the water / light fruit based drinks.
    ((carry that litre of water at all times))

  3. "I'm on day 2 of my Paxil tapering schedule, and I'm feeling it today. I've had hot flashes/chills, profuse sweating, trembling, the feeling of weakness in my legs and arms, shortness of breath, hear palps. Not to mention the horrible anxiety I have had today".

    In the uk, this is what we'd say is flu like symptoms, ..general sickness whereby the high temperature is making for disturbed sleep & dreams basic delirium & dizzyness, advice would be to wrap up, drink fluid & wait it out, having taken a few headache tablets or a cold & flu remedy.

    by using the "flu" status we are not building it up or psyching ourselves out by means of alot of separate pains / aches / conditions.

    In these episodes we tend to use "contac" slow release to subdue & get us through, I wouldn't recommend taking anything like this umnless your doctor has ok'd it on the basis of not knowing the pills you are taking, (cocktails etc) though I would be contemplating a few cups of tea for some caffeine rather than a diet soda which will only dehydrate you further.

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  5. I will try to say this as nice as possible. I will NOT (under any circumstances) tolerate flaming or derogatory remarks on my blog. Gus has been a friend of mine for a couple of years now. He only comes across as brash sometimes because I feel that he cares about my health. I would like to keep this blog open to comments without approval, but I will have no choice but to lock comments if further posts like this are published.
    Furthermore, it was very "weasly" of you to post an anonymous comment. If you have an opinion you want to express, thats fine. However, you need to show some type of manners, and at least have the courage to show who you are.
    I appreciate you "looking out" for me or "taking up for me" or whatever you think you were trying to do with that type of comment. Please do not insult my friends and readers.
